Publish DateWelcome -What is the best investment strategy ever created? Everyone dreams of the perfect portfolio - high returns with low risk of loss. Most believe this strategy either doesn't exist or is only available through exclusive hedge funds with high fees. But I've created a strategy that is very simple to execute and outperforms most hedge...breakingthemarket.comFree Stock Data for Python Using Yahoo Finance APIYahoo Finance is a media platform that provides financial news, data about stock quotes, press releases, and financial reports. And all the data provided by Yahoo Finance is free. Yahoo Finance API is the API that Yahoo provides to fetch financial information. Yahoo deprecated their Finance API in 2017.towardsdatascience.comcaia.orgcaia.orgThe Kelly CriterionThe Kelly Criterion Introduction So, you've probably heard of the Kelly Criterion in the context of gambling or maybe also in the context of investing. When gamblers talk about the Kelly Criterion they are often referring to the idea of sizing your bets, which is the very intuitive idea that if you bet too much of a percentage of your total wealth, you will eventually go bust.fhur.github.ioThe Kelly Criterion: You Don't Know the Half of ItDespite expending substantial resources on a formal financial education, I did not encounter the Kelly criterion in business school or the CFA curriculum. I came across it almost by accident, in William Poundstone's delightful book Fortune's Formula .blogs.cfainstitute.orgwww.eecs.harvard.eduwww.eecs.harvard.edusites.math.washington.edusites.math.washington.eduいもす金融理論無リスク金利が存在する場合、すべての人は現金を持たず無リスク金利のついた金融商品に置き換えることが有利であることから、無リスク金利のついた金融商品を元手に取引を行い無リスク金利のついた金融商品を基準にした価格を用いることが、リスクがないのに期待利益が減少する現金との比較を行うのと比べ、議論をよりシンプルにできると考えられます。また金融資産の一部を現金として持つような人、つまりリスクがないのに...imoz.jpDeep Portfolio